The first installment of The Last of the Giants is a 31-page story about an over-the-hill United States Space Marshal, Frank Rockwell. Frank doesn't care about saving face. He doesn't care if a humpback whale is about to be elected president. All Frank cares about is getting his man. Tracking would-be assassins and homicidal clones through the gutters and tourist traps of the furthest reaches of the universe, he wheels and deals with the most wretched critters under their respective suns, stopping at nothing to get these criminals to justice in time for happy hour.
Pencils, Inks, Story
Corn-fed and raised in the midwestern parts of the Great Lake states, Mike is just looking for a nice gal to get drunk with him. He loves critters with antlers and wrestling dogs. Mike is a freelance director and screenwriter when he's not art-ing around and is currently calling Brooklyn home.
Paints, Story
Matthew T. Perry was born in the Heart of Dixie - that place stars fall on. He is an avid reader of Romantic Dinosaur Pulp novels and enjoys unwrapping presents. Matthew is a visual effects artist for feature films and Television. He currently resides in New York.